We all need fresh air just like we need clean water at good food. It’s a staple resource! Without it, our homes are prone to unhealthy levels of humidity that can create mould and mildew (gross!). This can even cause us to catch infectious and airborne diseases that can be really awful, not to mention cost us a lot.
Most of the time, we don’t think too much about it. But the reality is that our homes naturally accumulate all sorts of nasty things that make for bad air – dust, pollen, and other pollutants and unhealthy substances blown in from outside. Constructing a house with proper ventilation is crucial to prevent bad air from being trapped inside, ensuring better air quality and promoting good health!
So, what exactly can you do to make sure that the air you’re breathing inside your homes is clean and safe? Two words: Natural ventilation.
Ventilating your home is about allowing outdoor air into your space to get rid of indoor pollutants. Here’s a couple of easy tips to ventilate and improve your space’s flow of fresh air, naturally!
How does cross-ventilation work? By pushing warm air, circulating dust and other pollutants out of your home, it makes room for fresher and cooler air to enter. It’s a simple trick anybody can practice at home. You simply open the windows and welcome the natural breeze.
Cross-ventilating reduces humidity levels, which can be great to help you sleep – it could even be the key to getting better Zs during those hot summer months! During those times of the year when it’s not breezy, you can get the air moving in a room by turning on an electric fan, air cooler, or a ventilation fan while the windows are open. It’s as easy as that!
Clean your HVAC filter and air vents regularly
You have to put in a bit of effort if you want to keep your indoor air fresh, and cleaning air vents and air-con filters regularly is a must. Don’t worry – we don’t mean every single week, but at least once every three months should do the trick. Trust us, it’s worth it! Routine maintenance of your cooling units will make sure that they’re working at their best conditions so that they can circulate clean, cool, air properly.
Roll up your sleeves and start cleaning your HVAC and air-con filters by soaking them in soapy water for five to ten minutes. After that, you can set them down to dry. You can also thoroughly clean your air-con unit by removing it from the casing to clean the coils with an all-purpose cleaner. Rinse thoroughly and let it dry outdoors.
If you can’t do an outdoor cleaning, you can also vacuum the coils with a brush vacuum. Chances are you have one sitting in your closet!
Make houseplants your home’s new best friend
Did you know that house plants are also great natural air purifiers? They can absorb and filter chemicals coming from different sources—detergents, household cleaners, etc. Plus they look amazing in every nook and cranny in your home!
More than just aesthetically pleasing decorations to add to your home, house plants help clean your air naturally. Good thing indoor house plants are a thing, and they thrive even with little attention. Try adding a snake plant, or a bamboo plant, and see how much it improves the air quality of your space!
Keep moisture indoors at a minimum
You should also keep in mind moisture—it’s a major culprit when it comes to creating mould, and therefore reducing the air quality of your home. When it’s laundry day, try to dry your wet clothing outside, vacuum your carpets regularly, or wipe dishes thoroughly before putting them in the cabinets. I mean, the potential for bad air is basically everywhere, and every little bit counts to reduce moisture.
Get air moving!
Natural home ventilation will allow your home to breathe, which lets you breathe easier. It can also keep your utility costs down, and keep you comfortable year-round. Go ahead, green-up, and open that window for some fresh air!
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