Apple has once again captured the spotlight with its latest innovation: Apple Vision Pro. Pioneering the realm of mixed reality, this headset promises to revolutionise how we interact with digital…
Back for more, I see. I don’t blame you. There aren’t many things that can consistently make your day better, but I’m of the firm belief that a good book…
I hardly need to explain why 2020 was such a difficult year for most—we were all there! Here at Zizacious, we love board games, and found that through the weeks…
Certainly, 2020 changed how we watch movies. The living room sofa and the streaming service stood in admirably for the cinema seat and the projector as we all soldiered through…
Technology has granted us the gift of time, even in today’s lightspeed world. Let’s dedicate this year to using it. One book a month, I’m officially throwing down the gauntlet. So, in no particular order, here are the first six books to reserve a spot for!
In an age when filming a movie is nigh-in impossible to do safely, when we touch elbows to greet one another, when the real horror seems to be the things…
Did 2019 bring in a new bundle of joy for someone close in your family or for your friend? Then, it’s time to celebrate and all the more with Christmas…
Listen, if I’m presented with the opportunity to eat a delicious pizza at three in the morning, I’m taking the opportunity. You might assume that any pizza attained at this…
This coming September 1st, fathers all around the country will be waking up to the smell of frying bacon and freshly-brewed coffee. It’s the day we appreciate the ones who…